Tuesday, April 20, 2010

and the stack keeps growing

as the tired old saying goes, "so many books, so little time"

Recent months have included some memorable, some not, some that are just plain fun.
Fun includes Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories by Jean Shepherd. Shepherd is the comic mind behind the classic movie "A Christmas Story" or as Anissa and I refer to it "Ralphie." He was a radio, cabaret personality for years, so this begs to be read aloud, or at least to imagine it being read aloud. Although it is a memoir written as an adult looking back, he views this as a child and teenager, with little reference to the world situation at the time, only as it applied to him and his world. And even though his memory is selective, the detail and tone are painfully and sweetly on target - funny for those who remember that vanished innocent world, and even those who experience only through the movies or these pages.

Meanwhile I have started reading Knucklehead - another memoir written for gr 4-7. It, too, is best read aloud, between fits of laughter. What else could you expect from the creator of "The Stinky Cheese Man"?

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