Friday, January 20, 2006


Jeannie has asked to borrow a copy of Imitation of Christ. I will try to find one of her own this weekend or just let her borrow mine.

I think Kalli would like to read The Phantom Tollbooth since she was kind enough to loan me Eats Shoots and Leaves and she is an secondary ed English major.

I will make it through the Marquez's stories yet. Plus I am absorbing, however slowly, Boorstin's The Seekers. I get distracted by brain candy and SuDoku, of course, but as long as the breaks aren't too long I feel OK about it.

I am thinking about going through the Maigrets and with a once-through read, moving them out of my collection. I can't really convince myself to really like them enough to keep them around.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Holiday fun

OK, I finally finished Breach in the Wall. It had long lost its charm but I wanted to make it through. It ultimately did widen my perspective of 20th century China, which was pretty narrow from the start.

Took the Borders gift card and a coupon, plus a stack of volumes to "recycle" at Bookaholic to add to the charming fun I got for Christmas. Anissa took inspiration from my wishlist, to find books I might like. Yay! Instead of feeding each other food to express our love, we give each other books to feed our psyches!

Newest (unpurchased) find -Vreeland's Life Studies