Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Into summer reading

One natural segue in my library, to Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation, is Lee's Last Years. OK, I have a number of Civil War-related volumes. Not by any means comprehensive, but those that suit my fancy and curiosity. When it comes to military tactics and strategy, I am left cold. Politics are a challenge, but the personal human side is what engages me.

Anyway, Lee's Last Years provides a close look at Lee's life after the surrender at Appomattox. Six chapters in it seems to be balanced. Of course, it will be interesting to see how that dreadful period of Reconstruction is addressed.

What I have learned or confirmed so far:
  • Lincoln's assassination and the surrender occurred within days of each other.
  • Arlington National Cemetery rests on Lee's family property, well, his wife's property. And she never forgave the Yankees for confiscating it and burying their dead there.