Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Squeezing in reading time

For many reasons, I haven't been devoting much time to reading, not as much as I would like anyway; it isn't time, maybe more a lack of discipline and focus.

I am nearly through with The good, the bad and the difference. A New York columnist examines ethical questions posed by his readers. It is interesting, and thought-provoking, although I do not agree with all of his conclusions. He is distinctly a New Yorker, Jewish, a man who does not appear to be a parent. Actually I think the questions themselves and what they say about us today, are as intriguing as his responses.

*Sigh* I am still not finished with The Seekers, but each time I delve in I learn bits and pieces more about my cultural heritage (Western, Catholic) and how our traditions, ideas have evolved as they have. OK, I did not take Western Civ when every other Jayhawk had to, but would I have appreciated it? I doubt it. So, it is illuminating now.

Oh, yes, I have been treasuring Vreeland's Life Studies. How very special they are! She imagines the contemporary ordinary people whose lives are touched by a variety of Impressionists and post-Impressionists - van Gogh, Manet, Monet, Morisot, Cezanne, Modigliani, Renoir and more. The stories are sometimes sad, but always moving.