Tuesday, April 20, 2010

adrenaline rushes

The big-time thriller is not a reading genre that I want to cultivate, but I did get sucked in recently to Kyle Mills's work. It started with a review that I read of Fade. I picked it up (cheap), buzzed through it and passed it on, but it was an exciting trip. Next is Second Horseman.

The Slavs and their detectives are usually so dour and dreary. Per Wahloo and Maj Sjowall - sooo depressing. I liked Smilla's Sense of Snow but Hoeg hasn't really come up with anything since that has caught my attention. But - I have recently caught up with the Reykjavik mysteries by Arnaldur Indridason. Started with Jar City and then I found a whole slew at BookCloseouts.

I have been getting a lot of my reading direction these from Powell's Daily Dose. When I have no time for browsing online or in the store, this daily email has taken me down some unexpected paths.

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