Thursday, March 31, 2005

Ladies Night at Finbar's Hotel and more

Following his success with Finbar's Hotel, a novel composed of uncredited chapters written by contemporary Irish writers about a seedy Dublin hotel, Bolger has returned to the newly remodeled scene with stories by Irish women writers. I don't know them well enough even to begin to guess who wrote which. It doesn't matter; the idea just tickles me.
Anyway I have devoured the seven stories this week, one I have even reread. They are united by the themes of adult women, many well educated, who deal with family, the ghosts of their past, their uncertain future. Some are almost painfully recognizable within my own sphere of experience.

I am working my way through Name of the Rose. It is an enjoyable but slow read. The Latin gets in the way a bit, so does the Church politics - ouch- Reminds me that the politics exist even today as the speculation about the new Pope and the high profile of Cardinal Law illustrates.

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